Move In/Move Out & End of Tenancy Cleaning Services

End of Tenancy Cleaning Dublin

Many companies offer end of tenancy cleaning services but nobody does it like New Vision Cleaning. Our company specialises in deep house cleaning and end of tenancy cleaning in Dublin and surrounding counties. If you are a landlord planning to re-let a property fast or if you are a tenant that needs a deposit back, you know how important it is to deal with a professional end of tenancy cleaning company who will arrive on time, will do the work right and will satisfy all parties.

Seamless Transitions with Spotless Cleanings

Whether you’re moving into a new space or bidding adieu to an old one, the process can be overwhelming. The last thing on your mind should be cleaning.

At New Vision Cleaning, we provide specialised Move In/Move Out and End of Tenancy Cleaning Dublin and surrounding counties, ensuring your spaces are immaculate and welcoming. If you require carpet cleaning, window cleaning we can help with that also.

End of Tenancy
Cleaning Checklist

Common Area

– Cobweb Removal
– Doors and Frames
– Window Sills
– Radiators
– Skirting Boards
– Empty and Clean Bins
– Vacuum and Mop Floors
– Mirrors Polished
– Woodwork Cleaned
– Picture Frames Dusted
– All Other Surfaces Cleaned (including shelves, sockets, light switches)

Additional Services for General Areas (At Additional Cost):

– Windows Cleaned (from the inside)
– Venetian Blinds Cleaned
– Carpet and Rugs Cleaning
– Upholstery Cleaning
– End of Tenancy Cleaning


– Full Wardrobe Cleaning
– Sockets and Light Switches Cleaned
– Floor Cleaning

Additional Services for Bedrooms (At Extra Cost):

– Mattress Cleaning and Sanitizing


– Tiles and Grout Cleaning
– Limescale Removal
– Thorough Toilet Scrubbing
– Sink Cleaning and Polishing
– Cleaning of All Drawers and Cabinets
– Complete Sanitization using a Professional Steamer


– Degreasing All Surfaces
– Cleaning Outside of Kitchen Presses
– Hob Cleaning
– Fan Extractor Cleaning
– Splash Tiles Wiping
– Microwave Cleaning
– Sinks and Taps Scrubbing
– Cobweb Removal
– Light Switches Cleaning
– Empty and Clean Bins (Outside Only)
– Vacuum and Mop Floors

Additional Services for Kitchen (At Extra Cost):

– Inside Oven Cleaning
– Fridge Interior Cleaning
– Inside Kitchen Presses Cleaning
– End Of Tenancy Cleaning

Why Choose NewVision Cleaning?

Moving can be a whirlwind of emotions and to-dos. Whether you're welcoming a new home or saying goodbye to an old space, New Vision Cleaning takes the burden of cleaning off your list. Our specialised Move In/Move Out and End of Tenancy Cleaning services ensure your spaces are spotless and inviting.

  • Experienced Professionals: Our team consists of trained professionals who understand the intricacies of end of tenancy cleaning.
  • Attention to Detail: We go above and beyond standard cleaning checklists, ensuring every nook and cranny is addressed.
  • Eco-friendly Cleaning: We prioritise the health of our clients and the environment by using eco-friendly cleaning products.
  • Customisable Services: Every home is unique, and so are your needs. We tailor our end of tenancy cleaning to match your requirements.
  • Transparent Pricing: No hidden fees, no surprises. We offer competitive pricing and value for every penny spent.
  • Reliability: We are punctual, respectful of your time, and committed to delivering top-notch service every time.
  • High Customer Satisfaction: Our growing clientele and their testimonials are a testament to our impeccable end of tenancy cleaning service standards.


Frequently Asked Questions- Move In/Move Out & End of Tenancy Cleaning

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Breathe new life into your upholstery and revitalise your living or working space. Contact our New Vision Cleaning team today for your personalised mattress cleaning quote.

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