About Us

Quality Cleaning Services You Can Trust.

At New Vision Cleaning, we’re not just any cleaning company. We’re a cleaning company with a mission.

We want to help you feel confident and proud about your property again.

The environment we spend time has a huge impact on our mood, motivation and even our health. Everyone deserves a clean, safe space to work in or call home. We want to help you claim that space back and spend time there without the stress or time pressure of doing it all yourself.

Maybe you’ve bought a home with old carpets you want to keep but haven’t seen much TLC over the years. With access to the best equipment, our carpet cleaning service can restore it to its former glory.

Or maybe you’re getting ready to welcome new employees to your office building and notice the entrance and common areas aren’t the most inviting. Our cleaning team will spruce them up to ensure anyone who walks through the door will be happy to work there.

The Personal Side to Cleaning.

We pride ourselves on providing a personalised service like no other cleaning company.

Our core values guide every project and property we work on:

Hard work: There’s no job too big or too small for our excellent team of cleaners. We believe in taking the time to do a job right. With meticulous attention to detail and a drive for outstanding service, we put the same amount of hard work into everything we do.

Reliability: We hate it when we book something or someone to arrive on a specific day or time only to have them be late or not show up. We’re not in the business of wasting anyone’s time. So you can trust our timelines and the quality of our work.

Respect: Customer service is at the heart of our cleaning company. Whether you hire us to clean a 10-story office block in Dublin City or a 3-bedroom semi-detached in a town in Meath, we treat every client with the same respect.

How Can We Help?

Did you nod your head when you read the examples above about that old carpet or office reception? We offer dedicated residential and commercial cleaning services to cater for every circumstance.

Residential Cleaning: Trust our team to give your home a quick tidy or deep clean with our many residential cleaning services. Whether it’s inside or outside, we have the equipment, skills and knowledge to leave you with a home you never want to leave.

Commercial Cleaning: Whether your space is used for retail, office or entertainment, the property's cleanliness reflects your organisation. We can ensure you provide a safe, hygienic environment for anyone who passes through.

Why choose NewVision Cleaning?

Expertise: With years of experience, we understand the unique demands of both residential and commercial spaces.

Eco-friendly: We care about the environment and your well-being. Our products are environmentally friendly, ensuring safety for your loved ones and the planet.

Customized Solutions: We know that every space is different. Our services are tailored to meet your specific requirements and schedules.

Trustworthy Team: Our cleaners undergo rigorous training and background checks. They are not just professionals but also individuals you can trust.

Affordable Rates: Quality doesn’t have to break the bank. We offer competitive pricing while maintaining excellent service.

Get In Touch Today...

Breathe new life into your upholstery and revitalise your living or working space. Contact our New Vision Cleaning team today for your personalised mattress cleaning quote.

Cleaning company Dublin 15
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